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While his father played in the NFL, he later served as youth and sports manager for the Tampa Housing Authority. He grew up with his siblings Kobe, Karter, and Ashley. Kevin Knox’s parents are Michelle Knox and Kevin Knox Sr. Kevin Knox Parents and Girlfriend Image source During his time in Kentucky, Kevin played in Nike gear, but with the contract, which is for more than a year, he would play in Puma gear. when the Puma returned to the sport after his absence last year in 2018.

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Knox was chosen alongside the likes of DeAndre Ayton and Marvin Bagley III, who are the first and second choice for the 2018 NBA Draft, and veteran forwards like Rudy Gay and Michael Porter Jr. The sneaker was introduced to the market 45 years ago. After he was selected by the Knicks in 2018, he received a contract that would see him lacing the Puma-Clyde court.

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