Mexican gay sex club

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GAY TRAVEL TIPS: Just How “Wild” is the Wet & Wild Gay Cruise in Puerto Vallarta? Here are some of the best gay bars in Mazatlan, Mexico. But this city by the sea does offer fun after dark (and oh, straight people are more than welcome, too!). Mazatlan is not a gay-saturated destination like Puerto Vallarta, to be sure. And in an era when many gay bars and dance clubs have closed in response to the rise of social media, Mazatlan is one of the few destinations that actually has more gay nightlife now than it did the first time I visited, years ago.ĭuring my most recent visit to this Mexico beach destination, I checked out the vibrant gay bars and nightlife. But Mazatlan - the Pacific coast city on the beach - offers lots of unique charm (it’s called the “pearl of the Pacific” as well as the “colonial city on the beach”). And Cancun is a higher-profile Mexico beach destination for the general traveling public. Sure, Puerto Vallarta is Mexico’s top LGBT vacation destination.

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